Back-End Developer / Software Architect, Internal, WA Bots Python Bot: WA Bot Before WhatsApp official API I've developed a Python WhatsApp Bot for automated chat who attended over a million messages.DiegoOctober 6, 2020
APAS, Back-End Developer / Software Architect, DBA / Database Developer, Promonow, SRE / DevOps Engineer Marcas Campeãs 2019, Associação Paulista de Supermercadistas One of the top 10 most searched, integrated with Google Captcha and using AWS S3 for digital assets managements.DiegoApril 1, 2019
Back-End Developer / Software Architect, Internal, WA Bots Python Bot: Lee Data extracted and processed with Trello API transforming Trello Board in an entire CRM helping the Sales Team.DiegoJanuary 8, 2019