Marcas Campeãs 2019, Associação Paulista de Supermercadistas

One of the top 10 most searched, integrated with Google Captcha and using AWS S3 for digital assets managements.

Development and provisioning of an entire online ecosystem to support one of the biggest campaigns of the country: as aways, C# and .Net Core was the core of the APIs systems, handling with millions and millions of users exclusively from São Paulo city: pratically 5% of the entire City CPFs.

At the same time, as part of this ecosystem, the provisioning and actualization of several platforms (Hotsite, Administrative, Support, SAC, Industrial and for Super Market Owners) with specific digital assets and SQL Server reports, with intense work of mailing filtering.

As this project was in our AWS Infrastrucure I was also responsible for Monitoring, CI/CD and Testing, specially End to End, realized with Selenium and Python. AWS Lambda was also used for special tasks

Special Features

For the fourth consecutive year providing technology to one of the top 10 most searched promotional campaigns in Brazil, one of the most challenger aspect of this project was the implementation of an new upvoting system that if wasn’t made correctly could bring security flaws to the Campaign: integrated with Google Captcha and using AWS S3 for digital assets managements.